Emeritus Board

Jose Luis Garcia
José Luis García currently serves as the City of San Antonio’s Aviation Marketing Manager for the San Antonio Airport promoting international growth in commercial and general air service. José Luis previously served as Chief of Protocol for the City of San Antonio and as director of the City’s International Relations Office. In these roles, he helped program the visits of over 1,500 delegations to San Antonio. Key projects under his supervision included the visits of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip; Presidents of Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, and Spain, among others. José Luis also served as the City’s liaison to the NAFTA signing ceremony, Latin America Anti-Drug Summit, and the Trilateral Technology Summits (2002-2005.) José Luis serves as an Honorary Board Member for Sister Cities International and has served on the boards of the San Antonio-Mexico Friendship Council, and the National Protocol Officers Association in Washington, D.C. His honors include decoration of the Orden de Isabel la Católica, en grado Cruz de Oficial bestowed by the Government of Spain; recipient of SACIV International Leadership Award; Consulate of Mexico-Award for Outstanding Service in U.S.-Mexico relations and recognition by the Federation of Mexican Communities Living Abroad.